Toward the end of the Middle Kingdom, new objects were introduced, such as shabtis and scarabs.While burial goods continued to be common, objects of daily use were not typically included as they were in the Old Kingdom.As the pharaohs of the Middle Kingdom restored the country’s prosperity and stability, they stimulated a resurgence of art, literature, and monumental building projects, including tombs and burial goods.His subjects considered him to be divine or semi-divine, as suggested in a relief depicting the pharaoh receiving offerings. After toppling the last rulers of the Tenth Dynasty, Mentuhotep II began consolidating his power over all Egypt, completing the process circa 2000 BCE. Mentuhotep II restored stability in 2041 BCE after launching an attack that met with little resistance.

2000-1650 BCE) was marked by the reunification of Egypt following a period of weak pharaonic power and civil war called the First Intermediate.

Mentuhotep II was the first pharaoh of the Middle Kingdom, restoring stability after a period of pharaonic weakness and civil war.