Prepare special automatic tasks with conversion steps and settings specially designed for the tasks that you perform often. With Hot Folders, you can adjust the processing parameters for each file viewed separately. Manage the watched folder on a local or network drive, FTP server, or mailbox, and all files placed on it will be automatically converted with the specified settings, immediately or on schedule. The Heat Folder is capable of processing up to 5,000 pages per month * (the number of pages is reset every 30 days) and uses up to 2 processor cores for document conversion. Use the Heat Folder to automate document conversion tasks for individuals or workgroups, for example, to prepare documents that are scanned on a desktop MFP or emailed as an attachment for processing ulterior. Make all of your paper and PDF documents searchable and use industry standards for long-term archiving (such as PDF / A) to ensure the documents will be accessible in the future. Take advantage of automation tools to streamline the repetition of OCR conversion tasks or convert multiple documents into editable formats such as Microsoft Word, Excel, etc. You’re also able to add, rearrange, and delete pages. Once you open the PDF within the application, you’ll be able to start editing, correcting typos, and revising data and images.
With FineReader, you can edit any scanned PDF as easily as you could work with a digital version.
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